Sending bulk sms using our robust http api is very easy. Simply copy and paste the code sample below and replace the placeholders with yours
$email = urlencode(‘your-login-email’);
$password = urlencode(‘your-password’);
$type = ‘0 or 1’;
$dlr = ‘0 or 1’;
$destination = urlencode(‘gsm-1,gsm-2,gsm-3,…’);
$sender = urlencode(‘sender’);
$message = urlencode(‘message’);
$url = ‘’.$email.’&password=’.$password.’&type=’.$type.’&dlr=’.$dlr.’&destination=’.$destination.’&sender=’.$sender.’&message=’.$message;
$response = file_get_contents($url);
echo $response;
A response from our API will look like this
error code|destination|message id|units,error code|destination|message id|units,error code|destination|message id|units…
For more information, visit our API page
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